Operating system security issues
Computer users have largely become familiar with the operating system's accessories, such as how to play games online, but they tend to neglect the security features that are included to help the user maintain a safe and reliable operating environment. As a result, many information systems exist in an insecure state that leaves the system at risk to a virus infection or a complete compromise by an attacker. It only takes a very primitive virus or Trojan horse to create a distractive effect of infected computers and compromised systems [2]. Therefore, it's irresponsible to set up a computer (Operating System) without regard to security.
This paper is dedicated to operating system security issues. From setting up a secure home network to creating strong passwords, it's important to understand the details of using an operating system in a safe and secure manner. The aspect of security is generally defined by all of a company's data, such as the material and software resources, that allow a company to store and circulate this data [2]. The goal of OS security generally is to ensure that these organization's material and software resources are used only for their intended purposes. David K. Hsiao Douglas S. Kerr (1987) claims that security generally is comprised of five main goals: authentication, authorization, integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation.
Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of an entity, either in person or electronically, where credentials are requested and checked to verify or disprove an entity's claimed identity [1]. Linux and MAC X OS both support local and network-based authentication to help ensure that only users with valid authentication credentials can access the computer's data, applications, and network services [2]. Passwords can be required to log in, wake the system from sleep or a screen saver, install applications, or change system settings. In addition, Mac OS X supports emerging authentication methods such as smart cards. By securely caching network-based credentials, Mac OS X allows you to authenticate offline. So users can disconnect their notebook computer from your office network and work offline using the same user name and password.
Authorization is a process of granting access in operating system that protects computer resources by only permitting those resources to be used by resource users that have been granted authority to use them [1]. It is responsible for allowing or denying user different actions such as request to read or write a file, to connect to a website or kill a process. Assuming, for example, that someone has logged in to a computer operating system or application, the system or application may want to identify what resources the user can be given during this session[3]. Thus, authorization is sometimes seen as both the preliminary setting up of permissions by a system administrator and the actual checking of the permission values that have been set up when a user is getting access. Logically, authorization is preceded by authentication.
In conclusion,protection mechamisms are implemented in operating system to support different security policies. These security policies serve the purpose to maintain the system's quality attributes, among themauthentication, authorization, integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation. In other words, a secued operating system is the plan
that shows where security measures need to be placed. If the plan describes a specific solution then, prior to building such a plan, one would make a risk analysis. The operating system then can be capable to distinguishe between requests which should be allowed to be processed, and others which should not be processed.Thus, the goal of the security system is to authenticate a subject and authorize its access to any object. The risk of unauthorized modification or destruction of data, disclosure of information, and denial of access to data while in transit should be considered along with the risks associated with data that is in storage or being processed. In addition, system engineers should implement security measures to preserve, as needed, the security goals authentication, authorization, integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation, including application software, while the information is being processed, in transmit, and in storage.
Reference [1]David K. Hsiao Douglas S. Kerr (1987). OPERATING SYSTEM SECURITY A TUTORIAL OF CURRENT RESEARCH*. Department of Computer and Information Science The Ohio State University Stuart E Madnick. The Sloan School of Management. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
[2]Chen, Z., Liu,Yi., Shen, C., Liu, J., & Zhou, L.(2007). Security Enhancement Architecture for COTS Operating System. Dept of Information Security Naval University of Engineering. Beijing, China
[3] Jinhong, K, Guo,. Stephen, Johnson,. Il-Pyung, Park. (2006). An Operating System Security Method for Integrity and Privacy Protection in Consumer Electronics. Panasonic Digital Networking Laboratory2 Research Way, Princeton,